Monday, July 28, 2008

Staples Out

Hooray, I am having my staples out today which is the highlight of my life at the moment; it may not sound very exciting to you but let me assure you that it would if you hadn't had a shower for a week!! Yesterday when I was getting semi dressed for my 10 minute walk I caught the staples on my jeans - ouch!!!!!! Last night I dreamed that the nurse couldn't get them all out - I hope that isn't an omen :-(

Kev is on leave this week to look after me, so he has taken the kids off out shopping and for lunch, but at least that means there is no squabbling for me to listen to. My surgeon said it would be really good to walk in water once I have had my staples out, so I have a dilemma - do I get driven 20 minutes to the pool, only to be in the water for about ten minutes, or do I bite the bullet and go in the sea this evening? Am I more worried about the cold or the salt?

Anyway I thought I would publish a picture of my whopping scar for the less squeamish amongst you; I did send it off to be airbrushed but the picture that came back was so small you couldn't see it :-) Anyway the cut is about as long as one and a half of my hands which surprised me.

The surgeon said my bones were so strong he got blisters on his hands cutting them :-( not sure if that was what I wanted to hear or not :-)

1 comment:

eatwellbythesea said...

By the way that is my scar and not my bum, whatever it may look like :-)