Sunday, April 6, 2008

House Colour

As those of you that know me have realised by now, I do not like the colour of the new house. The conservation people have assured me that we may not need official planning permission to change the colour - they may just be able to agree it by letter, so I am going to finish drafting the letter today.

The Tuscan Red walls (yes they are Tuscan Red and not Plaster Pink!!) are going to be Wimborne White, which is white with a very feint hint of blue (apparently). The bluey grey bits are going to be Blackened, which is a much paler blue colour and the white bits on the windows are going to stay white gloss. The lamppost is going to be Blackened too.

Took some pictures of the garden yesterday; this is the fig tree which is covered in fruit but I think they may be last year's so maybe they should be removed?

I have also tempted fate I fear, by buying seeds yesterday so that by the time we have completed I will have some plants ready yo go into the greenhouse; I have concentrated on the things I love to eat i.e tomatoes, aubergines, chillis and peppers. I have also got some spaghetti squash which look like fun - you apparently boil them whole and then scoop out the insides, which look like spaghetti.

I was going to plant the seeds this morning, but have suddenly twigged that there are no sodding windowsills in this house :-( why is that? I guess I will have to improvise :-)

Snowy Mudeford

Well it wasn't snowing at 4am because I got up and checked :-) However when I got up around 7 it was chucking it down but not settling so I thought I had better take some pictures while it was still around as it might be gone by the time I got back from my step class.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Pictures of Mudeford

Towards Lymington
The back of the house - I am very jealous of the neighbour's tower.

Towards Hengistbury Head

The House

Well at last we have had an offer accepted on a house but I do wonder whether we are slightly mad - a grade 2 listed farm house that has seen better days! Oh well you only live once and I am fed up with living my life out of boxes!

Anyway thought I had better chart my progress on my blog so I can just give people the link and actually get something done when I am in work.

I was put off this photo of the drive above because i thought it was the street but it's not it's the drive - I think the lampost was a bit of a red herring ;-0

The garden is lovely and it has a greenhouse so I am currently trying to decide what goodies I can get into the greenhouse for the summer.

we are going to the hosue tomorrow to do some measuring and take some more pictures.